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Ali BATTAY : Photos de classe
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  • Ali BATTAY Row standing on back (left to right) : ?, Souirdi Loubna, Mariam, 3arabi Kenza, 3mara Karam, Abouzit Khalid, Elghazi Yassine, Faras Maher, Moutwakil Asma(!), Mostafa, Khlifi Houda, Row in the Middle (left to right): Ait Kadour Hind, Baroudi Sa3id (!), Leila(!), Kouiri Lamia, Ghoulam Mounia, (!), Abdelaoui Fadel, Elzahbi Yassine, Jeloul Hakim, Riyad Omar, Kesraoui Ghizlane, M3amar Noura, (front row , left to right): Mitalane Jalila, (!), Elyamani Omar, Bousboula Aziz, (!), (!), Talbi Farahat Salma, Ali Battay, Gourinda Yassine, Kesraoui Loubna, Abderahim (Standing on right: Madame Asma)

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