Antonio LOURENCO est sur Copains d'avant. Pour le contacter, connectez-vous ou inscrivez-vous gratuitement.


Parcours scolaire

A propos


  • Prénom Nom :

    Antonio LOURENCO
  • Vit à :


  • Né le :

    14 janv. 1973 (51 ans)

Ma vie aujourd'hui

  • Description

    Je joue seul dans le bac à sable..

    "Doubt thou the stars are fire,
    Doubt that the sun doth move,
    Doubt truth to be a liar,
    But never doubt I love.

    "Why is it necessary that the love which is if mild person of aspect, put in test, is so tyrannical and so violent?"

    "When I am sure about my love, when I have no doubts
    Can't I say 'I can't love you more';
    Can't I forget the future and crown that moment.
    No, I can't say that!
    Since love is a baby,
    I can't see it as already grown up,
    It will continue to grow."

  • Situation familiale :


  • Mes goûts et passions


    J'y suis allé(e) :
    Je rêve d'y aller :