Lolly SREBEL est sur Copains d'avant. Pour la contacter, connectez-vous ou inscrivez-vous gratuitement.


Lolly SREBEL n'a pas encore renseigné son parcours

A propos


Ma vie aujourd'hui

  • Description

    Hi to everyone, hum just for the one i like... lol, and i'm not kidding! If you know that i don't like you just get out of my page! For ones i like, you can stay a few minutes and let me a message. And yes, i'm going to the united states in a few month, and certainly stay there for a while so if you want to see me before i go... you know what to do GOTCHA? i hope to talk to you soon or.... not lol

  • Profession :


  • Mes goûts et passions

    Aucune information disponible


    J'y suis allé(e) :
    Je rêve d'y aller :