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Parcours scolaire
Lycée Jean Baptiste Dumas
- Ales 1993 - 1995 -
Iup Génie électrique Et Informatique Industrielle
- AmiensMaster in Electrical Engineering
1995 - 1998 -
Sacred Heart University Luxembourg
- LuxembourgMaster in Business Administration in Management and entrepreneurship
2015 - 2016
Parcours entreprise
COMMISSION EUROPEENNE - Project manager and developer (Informatique)
- LuxembourgLuxembourg: J2EE developer for Sogeti à la Commission Européenne, Web developer for Mikado Online, developer for P&T Consulting, developer for Victor-Buck. Paris: September 1999 – May 2001: Project manager and developer for Ness Consulting, mission for COB (Now SEC - Commission des Opérations de Bourse), MINISTERE DE L'EQUIPEMENT (DDE), UCANSS (Union des CAisses Nationales de Sécurité Sociale), G
1999 - 2007 -
DEXIA BIL - Digital specialist and founder (Informatique)
- LuxembourgPresent on the new technologies for a long time I have created this digital agency that mainly operated in Luxembourg. My key competences were business development, marketing and project management as I have a good contact with client and partners. As Freelancer : BGL - BNP Paribas : J2EE developer Bull Formation : Java advanced trainer Atoz SA : Project manager and developer Java. Dexia Bil : Dev
2008 - 2015 -
Reborn - Developer full stack on an agile/ SCRUM environment (Informatique)
- LuxembourgScrum training and participation to the implementation of the scrum inside the company. I was part of the development team. Web back and front development on optimized interfaces for all supports for POST applications.
2015 - 2016 -
Special Olympics Luxembourg - Charity Basketball Game - Event and marketing management (Communication)
- LuxembourgSacred Heart University organized with Special Olympics a charity basketball game to raise funds for the Special Olympics association. Event project management. Also the tasks, budget, stakeholders and deadline management. I was also in charge of the digital communication with the design of a website.I was also doing the public relations by contacting the press and the different partners.
2016 - 2016 -
MINDFOREST - Information 4.0 and DITA (Informatique)
- Luxembourg 2017 - maintenant
A propos
Prénom Nom :
Vit à :
LUXEMBOURG, Luxembourg
Né en :
1972 (53 ans)
Ma vie aujourd'hui
Toujours en quête d'aventure et de découverte, je suis le long fleuve de la vie :)
Profession :
Consultant digital et marketing
Situation familiale :
Mes goûts et passions
Marc BEN FATMA a ajouté Special Olympics Luxembourg - Charity Basketball Game à son parcours professionnel