Mokri ABDELKADER est sur Copains d'avant. Pour le contacter, connectez-vous ou inscrivez-vous gratuitement.


Parcours scolaire

A propos


  • Prénom Nom :

  • Vit à :

    CHICAGO, Etats-Unis

  • Né le :

    1 janv. 1970 (55 ans)

Ma vie aujourd'hui

  • Description

    I started in Al Idrissi in 1986, one year after it was open. I will never forget those years. I wish I could go back and study again with the same people and the same teacher. We had a very tough principal (Directeur). His name was Mr ABBAS. After we left Al Idrissi, we realized that he really cared about us, and some of us succeeded in our lives because of him. I wish I could meet him again, shake his hands and thank him for everything he did for us. I will never forget TOUKHSAT Fatima, a very smart girl that everybody wanted to talk to. I wish I could bring those days back.

  • Profession :

    Nightclub Manager in Chicago

  • Mes goûts et passions

    Aucune information disponible
