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Jean-Marc MIRALLES : Photos de classe
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  • John MIRALLES Hello cher Jacques, je suis content de te retrouver. 50 years is a very long time. My elder son married a Balinese lady and I end up having tow grand daughters ( Samanta and Ashley) my younger married a chinese lady and I have a beautiful grand son (Tyson). My house looks like a united nation house and I have a beautiful wife. when I came to Australia, I joined the Prison Services in New South Wales an became a member o f the MEU ( Hostage Response Team) I then move to Western Australia and end up working for the Immigration Detention Centre. I was a riot squad team commander, training the staff in the use of force and use of tear Gas. But now I am too old and have mobility problems, I can only say that I have a good go and did used the much of it.

  • John MIRALLES Cher Jaccques, if you know any one belonging to our Promotion , please ask them to contact me as i am missing my frriends and wanted to reach out for them.

  • John MIRALLES Cher Jacques, sur la photo tu es proche de mon droit. maybe you won't like it but it is easy for to correspond in english. take care Jean Marc

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